Why You Need a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall at Walmart

August 1, 2024 | By Polito & Harrington LLC
Why You Need a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall at Walmart

Typically, going to Walmart is a routine and uneventful outing. Unfortunately, the carelessness of the retailer’s employees sometimes results in dangerous conditions that put shoppers at risk of serious injuries in a slip and fall accident. In many instances, Walmart slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries like broken bones or head trauma.

If you have suffered injuries in a slip, trip, or fall, you can be sure that Walmart is ready to do everything possible to deny your claim or at least minimize your settlement. As a result, slip and fall victims should have an experienced lawyer in their corner gathering evidence, filing necessary paperwork, negotiating with insurance companies, and, if needed, taking the case to court.

Contact an experienced slip and fall accident attorney near you to protect your rights and maximize your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.

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What Causes Slips and Falls at Walmart?

The most common slip, trip, and fall hazards in offices, warehouses, retail, and hospitality industries are wet floors.

Walmart, one of the world's largest retail giants, attracts millions of customers each day. With the high traffic and bustling atmosphere, slips and falls can occur for various reasons.

Some common causes include:

  • Wet or slippery floors: Spills, leaks, or improper cleaning can result in wet or slippery floors, making it easy for customers to lose their footing and fall.
  • Debris or objects in walkways: Cluttered aisles or walkways with merchandise, boxes, or other objects can create trip hazards and increase the risk of slips and falls.
  • Poorly maintained entryways and parking lots: Inadequate maintenance of entryways or parking lots can lead to cracked or uneven surfaces, potholes, or inadequate lighting, contributing to accidents.
  • Lack of warning signs: Failure to provide warning signs for hazardous areas, such as freshly mopped floors or areas undergoing maintenance, can increase the likelihood of slip and fall incidents.

Importantly, whether conditions like these are the result of Walmart’s negligence is often a complicated legal question that can require investigation. For this reason, always discuss your case with a lawyer as soon as you can after an incident.

They can assess how your accident happened and whether Walmart should be liable for your losses. The sooner you call for legal support, the fresher evidence might be, leading to a stronger case.

Walmart Slip and Falls Can Cause Serious Injuries

Slip and fall accidents at Walmart can result in various injuries, ranging from minor bruises to severe consequences.

Some of the common injuries suffered in these accidents include:

  • Fractures and broken bones: When someone falls, they often try to brace themselves by extending their arms or legs, resulting in fractures or broken bones.
  • Head injuries: a slip and fall can cause individuals to strike their heads on the floor or against objects, leading to concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or skull fractures.
  • Back and spinal cord injuries: the impact of a slip and fall can cause serious damage to the back or spinal cord, resulting in herniated discs, spinal fractures, or even paralysis.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Sprains, strains, and other soft tissue injuries can occur when the body is suddenly jolted during a slip and fall.

It is essential to seek medical attention immediately after a slip and fall accident, even if your injuries or symptoms initially seem minor. Some injuries may not be apparent right away, and delaying medical treatment can worsen the condition or create doubt regarding the cause of the injuries. You want prompt medical records, so seek medical help and then consult a slip and fall attorney near you.

Walmart's Insurance Company is Not on Your Side

Midsection of a businessman presenting an insurance document on a white desk in the office.

After a slip and fall accident at Walmart, victims often assume that the corporation's insurance company will handle the situation fairly. However, insurance companies are primarily concerned with their bottom line and minimizing payouts. They have adjusters and lawyers skilled at negotiating settlements that may not adequately compensate the victim for their injuries and damages.

Having your own slip and fall lawyer can level the playing field and protect your rights and interests. A lawyer with experience handling Walmart slip and fall cases knows the tactics the corporation’s insurance company uses to undervalue claims and can fight on your behalf.

Your lawyer can gather evidence, interview witnesses, review surveillance footage, and consult experts if necessary to build a strong case in your favor. They can use all this evidence to negotiate a fair settlement for you.

What an Experienced Slip and Fall Lawyer Can Do for You

If you've had a slip and fall accident, getting a lawyer can improve the chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

A slip and fall attorney knows how to handle any complicated legal issues and can make sure you do everything right to protect your claim. They can collect important evidence like photos, videos, witness statements, and medical records to support your case. There's a lot of paperwork in these cases, but your lawyer can handle everything for you.

Additionally, a big part of a slip and fall case is dealing with insurance company negotiations. Your lawyer can talk to them for you and try to get fair payment for your injuries and other costs.

If the insurance company doesn't offer enough money, your lawyer can take your case to court. In court, they'll present your side of the story and argue for the money you deserve.

Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney Today to Learn About Your Rights

If you have suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident at Walmart, seek legal representation to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer near you to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Don't delay, as there may be time limitations for filing a claim. Take the necessary steps to secure your future and hold those responsible for your injuries accountable.

Consultations are free, so seek your meeting with a local Walmart slip and fall lawyer now.

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